Night Guards

Understing the concept of Night guards.

Nightguards, also known as dental guards or mouth guards, are oral devices specifically designed to alleviate the potential effects of teeth grinding. Usually crafted from durable clear plastic, such as acrylic resin, these devices can vary in flexibility, ranging from soft to hard. Typically, your dentist will advise wearing the nightguard on the upper front teeth to prevent contact with the lower front teeth during sleep. In cases of severe teeth grinding, a dental guard for the lower teeth may be suggested. In addition to providing protection, mouthguards also help cushion the jaw muscles.

Do I require a Night Guard?

If you wake up with a sore jaw, you may be experiencing teeth grinding, especially if you’re in a high-stress job and notice chipped teeth. Over time, teeth grinding can cause headaches, earaches, and even wear down fillings or teeth. Despite teeth being among the hardest bones in the body, grinding can lead to surprising damage. In severe cases, it may cause tooth sensitivity and joint wear. Fortunately, these issues can be prevented with a simple night guard. We can assess your condition to determine if a night guard is necessary.

Benefits of Using Night Guards

People often grind their teeth unconsciously and involuntarily when experiencing anger, stress, or anxiety, whether awake or asleep. This habit can significantly impact oral health. To protect your teeth, dentists may recommend a night guard in combination with anxiety treatments such as medication or therapy.
While a night guard cannot stop teeth grinding entirely, regular use can help prevent damage to fillings, reduce the risk of teeth chipping or loosening, and minimize excessive wear of tooth enamel. Additionally, a night guard may improve sleep quality and alleviate symptoms associated with bruxism.
We invite you to schedule an appointment with our dentist at Ace Smile Dentistry, where we can assist you in determining if a Night Guard is the right choice for your needs. Your satisfaction and well-being are our top priorities!

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